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Customize the output directory

The plugin will output the OpenAPI specification to the directory you specify in the output property.

output: 'amazon-api-gateway-output',

By default the plugin will output to amazon-api-gateway-output in the root of your project.

Remember to add the output directory to your .gitignore file so it's not checked into your repository.

Map routes to messages in EventCatalog

The API Gateway plugin maps routes to messages in EventCatalog. You can map your routes to queries, commands or events.

To map routes you can use the apis property in the plugin configuration.

generators: [
output: 'amazon-api-gateway-output',
apis: [
// The name of the API we want to process
name: 'EcommerceApi',
// Assume it's deployed to us-east-1, change this if you deployed somewhere else
region: 'us-east-1',
// The API stage name
stageName: 'prod',
version: '2',
// Optional routes, we can map routes to message types
// give them descriptions and unique ids in eventcatalog
routes: {
'post /cart/checkout': {
type: 'command',
id: 'CheckoutCart',
description: 'Request to checkout the cart',
'post /cart/clear': {
type: 'command',
id: 'ClearCart',
description: 'Request to clear the cart',

In the example above we are mapping the post /cart/checkout and post /cart/clear routes to commands in EventCatalog. When we run the plugin new messages called CheckoutCart and ClearCart will be created in EventCatalog.

We can also specify the id and description for the message if we choose to override the default values. The values are taken from the operationId in the OpenAPI specification.