Creating flows
Adding a flow to your Catalog is a great way for you to document your workflows within your architecture.
What do flows look like in EventCatalog?
Adding a new flow
To add a new flow create a new folder (/flows
). Create a subfolder with your flow
/flows/{Flow Name}/index.mdx
- (example
- (example
The index.mdx
contents are split into two sections, frontmatter and the markdown content.
Here is an example of what a flow file may look like.
id: "CancelSubscription"
name: "User Cancels Subscription"
version: "0.0.1"
summary: "Flow for when a user has cancelled a subscription"
- id: "cancel_subscription_initiated"
title: "Cancels Subscription"
summary: "User cancels their subscription"
# define the actor for, in this case it's a user.
name: "User"
# What happens next? Define the next step
id: "cancel_subscription_request"
label: "Initiate subscription cancellation"
- id: "cancel_subscription_request"
title: "Cancel Subscription"
# This step is a message, include the message and version
id: "CancelSubscription"
version: "0.0.1"
id: "subscription_service"
label: "Proceed to subscription service"
- id: "stripe_integration"
title: "Stripe"
# This is an external system (e.g Stripe)
name: "Stripe"
summary: "3rd party payment system"
url: ""
id: "subscription_service"
label: "Return to subscription service"
- id: "subscription_service"
title: "Subscription Service"
# This node is a service, include that.
id: "SubscriptionService"
version: "0.0.1"
# Define multiple steps
- id: "stripe_integration"
label: "Cancel subscription via Stripe"
- id: "subscription_cancelled"
label: "Successful cancellation"
- id: "subscription_rejected"
label: "Failed cancellation"
- id: "subscription_cancelled"
title: "Subscription has been Cancelled"
id: "UserSubscriptionCancelled"
version: "0.0.1"
id: "notification_service"
label: "Email customer"
- id: "subscription_rejected"
title: "Subscription cancellation has been rejected"
- id: "notification_service"
title: "Notifications Service"
id: "NotificationService"
version: "0.0.2"
This flow documents what happens when a User Cancels Subscription in our system.
<NodeGraph />
<!-- Add any markdown you want, the workflow will also render in its own page /docs/flows/{Flow}/{version} -->
That's it!
Once you add your new flows to EventCatalog, it will now show in the docs, visualizer and discoverability table.
Adding content
With flows you can write any Markdown you want and it will render on your page. Every flow gets its own page.
Within your markdown content you can use components to add interactive components to your page.
Tips for flow content
It's entirely up to you what you want to add to your flows markdown content but here are a few things you might want to consider.
- Context of the flow. What is it? Why does it exist?
- Examples of how to trigger the flow?
- Any edit/contributing guidelines?