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Plugin Configuration

API Configuration for the EventCatalog Federation plugin


The EventCatalog Federation plugin is configured in the eventcatalog.config.js file inside the generators array.

Configuration Options

sourcestringYes-Git repository URL (supports any git provider e.g GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket)
sourceRootDirstringNo-The root directory for your files. For example if your repository is organized with subdirectories, you can specify the root directory to use for the import (e.g 'my-awesome-catalog', would be the root directory for the import).
branchstringNo'main'Branch to use for the import. Default is 'main'.
copyobjectNo-Copy options for the import. You can pick which files to copy from the remote repository.
copy.contentstringNo-Content to copy to the destination.
copy.destinationstringNo-Destination path to copy the content to.
debugbooleanNofalseEnable debug mode.
overridebooleanNofalseOverride existing files in the destination.
destinationstringNo-Destination path to copy the content to, if you don't specify the copy option, the content will be copied to the root of the destination path.
enforceUniqueResourcesbooleanNofalseSetting to true. The plugin will enforce unique resources in the destination and error if any resources are not unique.

Example Configuration

import path from "path";
import url from "url";

const __dirname = path.dirname(url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));

/** @type {import('@eventcatalog/core/bin/eventcatalog.config').Config} */
export default {
cId: "10b46030-5736-4600-8254-421c3ed56e47",
title: "MetaRetail Inc",
tagline: "Fake Retail Company for EventCatalog Demo",
organizationName: "MetaRetail Inc",
homepageLink: "",
editUrl: "",
// By default set to false, add true to get urls ending in /
trailingSlash: false,
// Change to make the base url of the site different, by default https://{website}.com/docs,
// changing to /company would be https://{website}.com/company/docs,
base: "/",
// Customize the logo, add your logo to public/ folder
logo: {
alt: "EventCatalog Logo",
src: "/logo.png",
text: "MetaRetail Inc",
docs: {
sidebar: {
// Should the sub heading be rendered in the docs sidebar?
showPageHeadings: true,
generators: [
// Pulling information from a GitHub repository
source: '',

// specifying the branch to pull from (default is main)
branch: 'main',

// specify which files you want to copy from the repository
copy: [
// importing content from the customer-experience-team catalog
content: 'examples/generator-federation/basic/customer-experience-team/services',
// specify the target path in your main catalog, here we are importing the services from the customer-experience-team catalog
destination: path.resolve(__dirname, 'services')
// importing content from the customer-experience-team catalog
content: 'examples/generator-federation/basic/customer-experience-team/teams',
// specify the target path in your main catalog, here we are importing the services from the customer-experience-team catalog
destination: path.resolve(__dirname, 'teams')
// importing content from the customer-experience-team catalog
content: 'examples/generator-federation/basic/customer-experience-team/users',
// specify the target path in your main catalog, here we are importing the services from the customer-experience-team catalog
destination: path.resolve(__dirname, 'users')

// optional, if you want to merge and override any conflicts then set to true (default is false)
override: true,

// optional, if you want the plugin to error
// if there are duplicate resources in your
// main catalog then set to true (default is false)
enforceUniqueResources: true
// Payment Team
// Pulling information from a GitHub repository
source: '',

// specifying the branch to pull from (default is main)
branch: 'main',

// specify which files you want to copy from the repository
copy: [
// importing content from the payment-team catalog
content: 'examples/generator-federation/basic/payment-team/services',
// specify the target path in your main catalog, here we are importing the services from the payment-team catalog
destination: path.resolve(__dirname, 'services')
// importing content from the payment-team catalog
content: 'examples/generator-federation/basic/payment-team/teams',
// specify the target path in your main catalog, here we are importing the services from the payment-team catalog
destination: path.resolve(__dirname, 'teams')
// importing content from the payment-team catalog
content: 'examples/generator-federation/basic/payment-team/users',
// specify the target path in your main catalog, here we are importing the services from the payment-team catalog
destination: path.resolve(__dirname, 'users')

// optional, if you want to merge and override any conflicts then set to true (default is false)
override: true,

// optional, if you want the plugin to error
// if there are duplicate resources in your
// main catalog then set to true (default is false)
enforceUniqueResources: true
// Pulling information from a GitHub repository
source: '',

// specifying the branch to pull from (default is main)
branch: 'main',

// specify which files you want to copy from the repository
copy: [
// importing content from the order-management-team catalog
content: 'examples/generator-federation/basic/order-management-team/services',
// specify the target path in your main catalog, here we are importing the services from the order-management-team catalog
destination: path.resolve(__dirname, 'services')
// importing content from the order-management-team catalog
content: 'examples/generator-federation/basic/order-management-team/teams',
// specify the target path in your main catalog, here we are importing the services from the order-management-team catalog
destination: path.resolve(__dirname, 'teams')
// importing content from the order-management-team catalog
content: 'examples/generator-federation/basic/order-management-team/users',
// specify the target path in your main catalog, here we are importing the services from the order-management-team catalog
destination: path.resolve(__dirname, 'users')

// optional, if you want to merge and override any conflicts then set to true (default is false)
override: true,

// optional, if you want the plugin to error
// if there are duplicate resources in your
// main catalog then set to true (default is false)
enforceUniqueResources: true

You can view an example configuration in the EventCatalog Federation plugin GitHub repository.