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Configuring team catalogs

License: Dual-license

Multiple teams can own their own EventCatalog, this is useful if you have multiple teams that want to own their own EventCatalog / Documentation.

Why would your teams want their own EventCatalog?

  • They want to own their own documentation
  • They want to keep their documentation close to their code
  • They want to control their own teams documentation but share it with the rest of the organization

Getting started

To get started you will need to create a new EventCatalog instance for your team.

You can run the following command in any directory you want to create your team catalog in.

npx @eventcatalog/create-eventcatalog@latest team-catalog

This will create a new EventCatalog instance in the current directory called team-catalog.

Your team can document their own services, messages and domains in this catalog, and these can be merged into the main catalog using the federation generator.

To help you get started:

Once your teams have created their own documentation you can merge them into the main catalog using the federation generator.

Mocking out dependencies in your Catalog

If you have many team catalogs you can mock out dependencies in your catalog.

Why would you want to mock out dependencies?

  • Team A wants to consume an event from Team B, but Team B owns the event documentation
  • Team A mocks out the event using the dependencies section of their eventcatalog.config.js file
  • EventCatalog renders a mocked page for Team B event.
  • When merging the catalogs, the federation generator will resolve events.

How to use dependencies?

You can define dependencies in your eventcatalog.config.js file in the dependencies section.

// rest of your config
dependencies: {
events: [{
id: 'OrderPlaced',
version: '1.0.0', // optional
}, {
id: 'OrderShipped',
version: '1.0.0', // optional
// rest of your config

This will mock out the OrderPlaced and OrderShipped events in the catalog and EventCatalog will render a mocked page for these events.

You can also mock out domains, services, events, commands and queries by changing the key to domains, services, events, commands and queries respectively.


// rest of your config
dependencies: {
domains: [{
id: 'Order',
version: '1.0.0', // optional
// rest of your config