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Introducing EventCatalog Directory

· 3 min read
David Boyne
Founder of EventCatalog

EventCatalog 2.20.2 is now available. This release introduces the EventCatalog Directory, a new way to find users and teams using EventCatalog.

When event-driven architectures get to a certain size it becomes difficult to know who owns a service, event, query or command. This is why we are introducing the EventCatalog Directory.

Using the EventCatalog Directory you can quickly find users or teams by services, events, queries and commands that they own. If you need to quickly find out who owns a service, event, query or command you can use the directory to find them.

What has changed?

Previously the users and teams were listed in the documentation sidebar. We have now moved them to their own directory page keeping the documentation sidebar focused on your domains, services and messages in your catalog. To upgrade to the new version you can run the following command:

npm install @eventcatalog/eventcatalog@latest

How does it work?

A new page has been added to EventCatalog. Clicking on the new directory page will show a list of users and teams.

To add users and teams to your EventCatalog you can read our guides:

When you add a user or team as owners of your domains, services, events, queries and commands they will appear in the directory and on your documentation pages.

Each user and team has their own page in EventCatalog. This page helps you understand more information about the owner and quickly see what services, events, queries and commands they own.


As your event-driven architecture grows, the EventCatalog Directory will become more useful. The EventCatalog Directory can be used to help your developers, architects and stakeholders understand the ownership of your event-driven architecture.

Each team or user in EventCatalog has their own page, this page helps you understand more information about the owner and quickly see what services, events, queries and commands they own.

EventCatalog Directory works well with the EventCatalog Federation plugin. Federation allows you to pull in users and teams from other catalogs into your main catalog, this means you can have a single source of truth for your event-driven architecture.

There is much more we want to do here, and we are just getting started.

If you have any feedback or suggestions please create an issue or join the community on Discord.